What to Expect After Getting Full Arch Dental Implants

August 5, 2024

Whether you’re getting ready for your dental implant procedure or just want a better idea of what all goes into full arch post-operative care – here is what we at Potomac Dental Centre recommend for you:

1. We strongly recommend a whole week off from any work or physical strain.

You just made a big investment in yourself and your mouth needs time to heal. By giving yourself a week – you’ll start the healing process strong and give yourself time to adjust to your new temporary teeth.

2. Depending on the conditions of the surgery, we may only be able to do 1 arch at a time.

This is something that you will discuss with your dentist before surgery. Your dentist will let you know if during the procedure he or she recommends that it may need to split into more than one visit – while this may feel inconvenient, it is to improve your dental implant success. 

3. Depending on patient comfort and the amount of anesthetic given, we may only be able to do 1 arch at a time.

Our dentists want to make sure that you have a good experience and that your implants are successful, which may mean 1 arch at a time.

4. The dentist will keep you informed on the progress of your procedure.

Your dentist will ask for your consent every step of the way and keep you informed throughout your procedure. If you are sedated, the dentist will still talk you through each step of the procedure, but he or she will also give updates to your support person.

5. The temporary teeth act as a Band-Aid over the surgical site during the healing process.

You are able to leave your surgery with teeth 🙂 – that is one of our promises. Our temporary teeth act as a Band-Aid or “cast” that way you can retain your smile and ability to eat while you wait for your mouth to heal.

6. The temporary teeth will feel bulky and large but will be comfortable during the healing phase.

Just like how you can use your arm if it’s in a cast, you can use your mouth. You’ll simply need to be cautious of how you use your temporary teeth and be mindful that they are bulky because their purpose is to protect your surgical sites. Your final teeth will feel significantly less bulky.

7. You will need adjustments during the healing process to keep you comfortable.

Adjustments are normal! If you feel a sore spot from your temporary rubbing against your gums, call us and we will schedule an adjustment appointment ASAP.

8. Average healing time is approximately 3-6 months and varies per patient.

We want to follow your mouth’s healing and allow that to guide you when we deliver your final teeth. That way we don’t put stress on the surgical area before it’s ready. 

9. A soft food diet is recommended during the first few weeks (a good blender is recommended).

Treat your mouth kindly! It just went through a big procedure. Smoothies, soups, mashed potatoes, and other similar foods will be your best friend for the first little bit.

10. Avoid any tough, chewy or crunchy foods for the duration of the healing phase to minimize stress on the newly placed implants and to preserve the temporary teeth.

We’ll walk you through what you can start introducing back into your diet and when. If you ever have any questions, always feel free to call us!

11. Post surgery there is usually a manageable level of discomfort but this varies from person to person and we recommend you take the medications prescribed or recommended by the dentist.

If your pain seems to be worsening, call us – we do not want your pain to be increasing dramatically.

12. There will be follow-up checkup appointments to assess healing and to make any necessary adjustments. This will be a commitment of time to make it to these appointments so we can start the final phase of your new teeth.

We value your time and want to minimize the amount of appointments you need to come in for – but we also want to make sure you are healing appropriately and that you are comfortable. Be prepared for multiple appointments between your surgery and your final delivery of your new smile.

13. Once the healing phase is complete, we will start the process of making your permanent teeth.

While we plan to stay on schedule, we will make sure that your mouth is healed and ready before we fix-on anything final.

14. Once final impressions are taken, we will have a “try-in” appointment where you will be able to confirm the bite, size, shape and color of the teeth.

Your smile is unique to you! You will have the final say on all color, shape, and size of your new smile. 

15. At your final delivery, we will want to schedule you for a bite check in 1 week and a 6-month exam/cleaning/maintenance with our hygiene department (required for warranty of implants).

Protect your investment with routine maintenance! Just like how you wouldn’t buy a new car and never change the oil – it would be best after your finals to plan on routine appointments to keep your implants healthy. 

16. The team at PDC will guide you through your entire process.

You are not alone in this. We will be with you every step of the way. Any questions, discomfort, concerns, or timeline changes – we are just a phone call, text, or appointment away.